Window shades

美 [ˈwɪndoʊ ʃeɪdz]英 [ˈwɪndəʊ ʃeɪdz]
  • n.窗帘;卷帘
  • window shade的复数
Window shadesWindow shades

Window shades


  • 1
    N-COUNT 窗帘;卷帘
    A window shade is a piece of stiff cloth or heavy paper that you can pull down over a window as a covering.

  1. You might need to reposition the desk , use a dimmer switch on overhead lights , or lower window shades to keep out sunlight .


  2. Pulling down the window shades subdued the light in the room .


  3. Window shades aren 't just meant for keeping away the rays in the morning .


  4. Why are we required to pull up airplane window shades during take-off and landing ?


  5. " What window shades ?" asks the baker .


  6. Innovative features adopted in the office building to reduce energy consumption include window shades for protection from direct sunlight and keeping the building cool .


  7. Reduce or eliminate glare by using window shades , diffusers on overhead lighting and anti-glare filters for computers .
